Oberon High School

Educating the whole person for the whole of life

Telephone02 6336 1606


School Bytes transition

We are excited to announce that our school will be transitioning to an upgraded School Bytes finance system very soon!

In preparation for the transition to a simplified finance system for both you and the school, we will be required to implement a short payment lockout period where we will not be able to receive any online or EFTPOS payments.

What this means for you:

  • No payments can be made online or via EFTPOS for now
  • We will advise you when payments can resume
  • Any existing payment links that have been sent to you previously in emails can still be used after the transition and will automatically redirect to the new system
  • After the transition, a School Bytes portal will be available for you to register and begin
  • All previous payments made will be migrated to the new School Bytes finance system and portal.